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About JEBA

The Jordan Europe Business Association (JEBA) is a non-profit organization open to businesspersons in Jordan and Europe.
JEBA was founded in 1995 following the participation of a Jordanian private sector delegation to the European Commission Med Partenariat held in Egypt in 1994. 
Association members include a wide spectrum of distinguished Jordanian and European firms and businesspersons.
JEBA aims at promoting and strengthening sustainable trade and investment linkages between Jordanian  businesses and European coun

terparts, focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)..

About Us
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Facilities We Provide

At JEBA, we provide essential facilities to promote cooperation and strengthen economic ties between Jordan and Europe. Our facilities support business networking, trade facilitation, and the exchange of knowledge and expertise, helping businesses thrive in a competitive global market.

Business Growth

Raise public awareness

Business Strategy

Develop and implement effective business strategies


Build leadership and enhance leadership skills


Networking and business development

Secure Services

Secure and reliable services to protect client data and operations


Organize networking events, workshops, conferences, etc.

JEBA has been crucial for our success, offering vital networking opportunities and resources that have helped us thrive in the global economy.


Team Leader

Joining JEBA transformed our business by expanding our market reach and forging valuable partnerships, providing indispensable support for international growth.


Web Developer

Our Vision & Mission

Vision : Creating a clear imprint on the cooperation strategy with EU countries by focusing  on the opportunities of bilateral cooperation and establishing a strong network between Jordanian and European businessmen to promote and deepen trade between Jordan and Europe.

Mission : Strengthening business relations between Europe and Jordan.

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Latest Blog Post

Stay updated with the latest insights, news, and trends in Jordanian and European business relations. Our blog covers key topics that help you stay informed and ahead in the business world.

Understanding the Stock Market: A Beginner's Guide

فهم سوق الأسهم: دليل للمبتدئين

Sep 28, 2024

سوق الأسهم هو نظام مالي معقد ولكنه ممتع، حيث يتم شراء وبيع أسهم الشركات المتداولة علنًا. يعتبر هذا السوق جزءًا حيويًا من الاقتصاد العالمي، حيث يوفر للشركات إمكانية الوصول إلى رأس المال ويمنح المستثمرين فرصًا لزيادة ثرواتهم. إليك نظرة أقرب حول ماهية سوق الأسهم، وكيف يعمل، ولماذا هو مهم.

Understanding Investors: Key Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

فهم المستثمرين: رؤى أساسية لرواد الأعمال الطموحين

May 17, 2024

في عالم الأعمال، يلعب المستثمرون دورًا حاسمًا في تحويل الأفكار إلى واقع. سواء كنت رائد أعمال ناشئ أو صاحب عمل متمرس، فإن فهم المستثمرين يمكن أن يؤثر بشكل كبير على رحلتك

Business Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

التخطيط للأعمال: دليل شامل

May 17, 2024

يعد وجود خطة عمل قوية أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لتوجيه استراتيجيتك التجارية، وجذب المستثمرين، وقياس النجاح.